
Special Biodata: Nyima Sangmo Lama

February 20, 2023

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Nyima Sangmo was born and raised in an extremely complicated family background. Her father is mysterious and unidentified. Her mother got pregnant with Nyima when she was unmarried. Kids like Nyima have to face tremendous challenges from the very early age of their lives.

Nyima Sangmo is from an extreme remote village named ‘Gyayul’ in the lower part of the Manaslu region with an altitude of approximately 2700 meters; situated in the northwestern Gorkha district of Himalayas. This region remains one of the most isolated Himalayan areas in the Gorkha district of Nepal. Mainly due to its mountainous geographical feature. It is accessible through five to six entire days by foot. The only way of transporting goods, either with donkeys or helicopter services, which is utterly expensive. Most of the local residents can’t afford it. This particular region is well-known as Nubri in Tibetan meaning ‘western mountain’ is Mount Manaslu is located in the west. The lifestyles of the villagers are very simple and agrarian. With the high altitude and small agricultural land, they are able to cultivate a small number of crops such as barley, corn and potato. Rich in culture and deeply rooted in life styles. The local dialects are variants of the Tibetan language.   

Nyima Sangmo was born and raised in an extremely complicated family background. Her father is mysterious and unidentified. Her mother got pregnant with Nyima when she was unmarried. Kids like Nyima have to face tremendous challenges from the very early age of their lives. Nyima’s childhood was extreme beyond our imagination. A single mother who is ignored, disused and discouraged. Has a child; who’s father’s name can’t be revealed. How can a distressed and extremely poor mother take care of a newly born baby girl? Sadly, kids like Nyima are born to suffer and endure challenges from the very beginning. Completely ignored by society and mistreated by the family. Kids like her are the actual victims of the social issues. Never get a chance to know the genuine affection and love from anyone. Her early childhood passed on starving and crying for days. As she started to grow up; her mother got married and left her alone with her grandparents who are having a difficult time surviving. Since her grandparents are seasonal subsistence farmers, who were struggling on growing enough food for themselves. The child was totally ignored as the mother leading her separate family life. She now becomes so desperate and traumatized. A nightmare she never asked for. Meanwhile her mother gives birth to a baby girl. With the misfortune of her life span. She couldn’t bear to have a happy married life. Ended off divorce. Undesirably, a single mother with a baby girl. Gradually, the cycle of suffering runs. A very unlucky mother, who is as if destined to suffer for her entire life. A single mother with two unwanted daughters by their fathers, but with Nyima Sangmo in care at school, she will find it easier to survive. Happily, Nyima has adjusted well to this new home, where she is being provided all the basic facilities with a good education system. She has been with us for the last five years. A place she can finally call it home. For the first time she can truly feel and understand genuine people’s love and affection. In fact, Nyima is one of the fortunate kids, who is fated to be in the hands of generous people. Who is blessed enough to be awakened from the horrifying nightmare of her life? Since, there are tons of innocent kids like her who are desperate and misfortunate. Who is actually longing to be freed and protected from the never-ending nightmare? Desperately, waiting for that one light to dismiss the nightmare. So, they can actually live their lives like Nyima; who blossomed from the dirt and miseries.  Our school is intended to secure the lives of innocent children like Nyima Sangmo, who are desperately in need of actual help. 

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15 years old


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