From: Krak, Bihi - 05, ChumNubri R.M., Gorkha, NepalAge: 12Siblings: 1

Tenzin Dolma, an orphan, was born and raised in the isolated and impoverished village of Krak, also known as the 'Hidden Valley of Nubri' in Nepal's sacred highlands of the northern Gorkha district of the Gandaki zone. Tenzin's mother gave birth to her in Nubri, a well-known valley where the great Yogi Jetsun Milarepa meditated in Neijepuk (holy cave) during his isolated life in the 12th century.

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$ 100/month
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796 days

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October 25, 2011

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TENZIN' s story

In the heart of the secluded Nubri Valley, where echoes of history dance through the mountains and cold winds cradle unspoken tales, a young soul named Tenzin Dolma Lama weaves a tapestry of hardship and hope. 

Tenzin, a mere twelve years old, carries the weight of a life touched by the absence of familial warmth in the impoverished village of Krak. In this hidden realm, blessed by Guru Padmasambhava, the echoes of Tibetan culture resound, yet the valley remains untouched by modern conveniences.

Orphaned at a tender age, Tenzin's story unfolds with profound loss and a battle against the twists of fate. Her biological father was unknown. Her stepfather, the victim of impaired eyesight, met a tragic end in the neighbouring forest, leaving Tenzin and her younger brother bereft of parental care.

Amidst an environment thick with arguments, Tenzin's mother, driven to despair by her husband's demise, succumbed to the clutches of alcohol. The mantle of nurturing fell upon the shoulders of their grandfather, a man with no income but a heart brimming with love. He worked at Serang Monastery until his last breath, a selfless act securing a future for his grandchildren.

As life marched on, the siblings found themselves abandoned by a mother consumed by the demons of alcohol. At eight, Tenzin embraced the responsibility of caring for her younger brother, navigating life's currents with courage beyond her years. Sadly, her mother passed away, leaving them orphaned.

In the embrace of Serang Monastery and Serang Primary School, Tenzin and her brother discovered a sanctuary—a haven where hunger was replaced by nourishment, and harsh nights transformed into restful sleep. This newfound care provided them not just with an education but a place they could truly call home, sheltered from the storms of their early years. Tenzin Dolma is now in grade six, and her brother, Sonam Tenzin A, is in grade three.

As we delve into Tenzin Dolma Lama's narrative, let's recognize the strength within her and the resilience that guided her through the darkest nights. In the halls of Serang school and the warmth of compassionate care, she and her brother craft a new chapter—a story of hope emerging from the ashes of despair.

May their tale kindle compassion, spark urgency, and move us to extend a helping hand to those, like Tenzin Dolma, who deserve the chance to shape their lives and aspire for the best. In this narrative, lies the opportunity to make a difference—to be architects of a brighter tomorrow for Tenzin and the countless others Serang School serves, the most forgotten Himalayan children.

“I've been part of this school for nine years now, and it's been quite a journey. Learning eight subjects, including my favourite, Science with its practicals, has been enjoyable. Making new friends, especially my best friend Dawa Bhuti, has added a lot of joy to my school days. I appreciate all my teachers; they treat me well and contribute to my learning. Mr. Nyima Gyalu Sherpa, my class teacher, has been a great guide. In our small class of seven students, we create a supportive and friendly environment.

Singing is a passion of mine—I find it amusing and a source of joy. Our school dress, with its vibrant colour, adds a sense of unity. These nine years have taught me a lot, and I look forward to more learning and laughter in the years ahead." Tenzin Dolma Lama

Written by Tsering Dekyi on November 22, 2023. 

What will TENZIN get for $100/month?

Healthy Food

Modern Education

Warm Clothing

Medical Care

Cozy Accomodation

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